Where I Will Be

When my body is finished and my soul is set free

I'll climb the mountains and soar over the trees

I'll do all the things my body couldn't do

I'll be everywhere at once in songs and in blooms

I'll be in the pages of all of the books

I'll be in your glances and sideways looks

I'll be in the berries ripe in the field

I'll be in your hearts long before they have healed

In the spring I’ll see that the flowers grow tall

I’ll be in the leaves when they change in the fall

When your knees are weak and your feet cannot go

Remember my smile and the love that you show

Love those I loved and see that love grow

And because of that, I will smile as I go

I’ll be the wind in your hair and the waves in the sea

For wherever you are, that’s where I will be

For McKenzie Moore, Dave Wilmoth, Laura Peery, and everyone I will ever hold dear.

©️ 2024 Tyler Wilmoth