Coming Out Day


by Tyler Wilmoth

For so long, being gay was something that I tried desperately to hide, even to the point of forcing myself to be conscious of and attempt to erase any feminine qualities or mannerisms I portrayed. It was extremely difficult, and life always felt like a lie. That’s not something a child should have to worry about, but it happened.

Dealing with who I knew I was, by myself, took a toll on my health mentally and physically, but of course, I could never tell anyone. It wasn’t an option. The world I knew would change drastically and I would lose everyone I cared about, or so I thought.

Once I came out to the first person, I felt the most liberated and the most like myself than maybe I ever had. And with each person I told, it got progressively easier and I felt a little better each time. Today, I try to live as transparently as possible because we all have a story to tell and I believe in the importance of stories.

Even though it has been 8 years since my first coming out conversation, my biggest regret about coming out is that I didn’t do it earlier. I now know that the love I was taught to share with others was from a place of authenticity. While it has created difficulties with some people in my life, I just realize that they aren’t there yet. But I know that I am living with integrity and that I will never stop trying to put good and compassion and kindness into the world, regardless of whether or not people accept it. There is plenty of kindness to go around, we all just need to try a little harder.

While I say I wish I had come out earlier, it is different for everyone. Come out when YOU are ready. Trust that you will have my support and the support of an entire community of people that have been marginalized and silenced. We have to let our voices be heard because that is the only way we can create real change. You are loved and you have value. If anyone ever tells you otherwise, do not listen. Be who you are, and do so unapologetically. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜